Notes: If you see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Chinese characters (中文), install Chinese support for your computer. The pinyin of each Chinese character will be displayed if you pause your mouse pointer over each Chinese character.

Friday, February 1, 2008

I love you (我爱你)

Let us learn one of the most beautiful phrases today:

I Love You

Anyway, don't use this phrase with anybody unless you mean what you say. You can try and say this to your spouse or love ones and let them find out what it mean if they are not Chinese educated.

There are two standard sets of printed Chinese Characters:
  1. Traditional Chinese - use in Taiwan, Hongkong and Macau
  2. Simplified Chinese - use in mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia

The word Love in Chinese can be written either as
in Simplified Chinese or
in Traditional Chinese

New Words for today:
- I; me
- Love
- You

Go and find this phrase in the previous post from the song titled
老 鼠 爱 大 米
Mouse love rice

Below is the Karaoke version of the song if you would like to try to identify some of the Chinese Characters (in Traditional Chinese). I strongly believe with enough repetition, we could recognize all the words without referring to the pinyin - right?

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