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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Blessing (祝福)

This coming Thursday marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rat.

Today, I received an e-mail from my friend wishing me Happy Chinese New Year with ten (10) sentences of blessings. I try to find an accurate meaning. However, I have problem with a couple of the sentences. Below is what I mean. Can you help me?

Wishing you in this New Year:

一帆风顺 - 1. May you have a smooth sailing
二龙腾飞 - 2. May you have lots of promotion in your career
三羊开泰 - 3. May you have good luck and do well
四季平安 - 4. May you be safe in all four seasons
五福临门 - 5. May five blessings come upon your house
六六大顺 - 6. May you be all the best throughout
七星高照 - 7. May seven stars shine brightly to guide you
八方来财 - 8. May fortune comes from all directions
九九同心 - 9. May you together with one heart forever
十全十美 - 10. May you be perfect in every way

Please post your version if you have a better English translation.
Thank you.
Sam Chan

1 comment:

Attila_The_Pun said...

We have started a new website to teach people Mandarin Chinese for free at . If you get the chance please check it out!